This Bird Has Flown...


Sadly it’s over! Thanks to everyone who came along to see The Descent of the Dodo in First & Last at the Counihan Gallery… All six hundred and sixty six of you!

I can’t emphasise enough how much of a treat it was to be in this show! It was especially wonderful to have the opportunity to show work with my fellow Brunswick Arts committee members. When we get together it’s usually to discuss the work of others - so you can imagine how much of a thrill it was to work together on our own project. Such a delightful bunch with varied - but surprisingly complimentary - practices! I encourage you to keep up to date with  Jenna Corcoran, Alister Karl, Carmen Reid, Adele Smith, Ive Sorocuk, and John Stevens.

Adding yet more delightfulness to the delight was the fact that we were sharing the Counihan with Melanie Jayne Taylor whose show A Room For Ordering Memories was truly enchanting.

The Counihan is a really beautiful gallery, top-notch, it was a true pleasure working with everyone there. I cannot thank them enough for having me!

Before I rush on to the next big thing (Pokemon, or Tazos, or something) here are a few collected tidbits regarding First & Last:




What a blast!